Understand the reasons that cause your addiction 

Addiction is a word used to describe a pattern of behaviour that has become a habit which the subject finds compelled to repeat.  This is usually because the reward system in the brain has been activated repeatedly providing pleasure and so something which the brain then craves.  If this is something which is taken into the body like alcohol or drugs then the results can be catastrophic, causing serious health issues and sometimes death.

You can become addicted to anything: drugs, substances, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, food, sex, shopping.  Addictions can cause the person to feel out of control of their own mind and body, so much so that they will do anything to satisfy that craving.  This can result in losing jobs, family, homes etc, as well as self-respect and your own health.

The good news is that you can take back control.  Most addictions have an underlying cause, there is a reason why you became addicted in the first place, even if you don’t know what that reason is.  You can work with your subconscious mind to understand those reasons and to address them whatever they are.  Hypnosis can help you to do this.

It is important to note that hypnotherapy does not replace medical advice and if you are seriously addicted to a dangerous substance then you must follow the guidance of your medical practitioner.  I will always ask you to ensure your G.P. is aware of your decision to undertake hypnotherapy and you will be asked to provide details of your G.P. and any medications you are taking so that any contraindications can be ruled out.


I was very much in two minds about trying hypnotherapy for my alcohol addiction, after all, surely, I’d need to be in a constant state of hypnosis for it to work?? How very wrong I was!! After 7 years of drinking heavily EVERY evening I haven’t touched a drop for 5 weeks. Not only that but my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are now back to normal as is my red blood cell count which was growing much faster than my white blood cell count obviously leaving me open to infections which my body would find hard to fight. I honestly cannot thank Jacqueline enough; she has completely changed my life for the better. I feel totally in control of my life for the first time in many many years (long before the alcohol got a hold of me). Everybody comments on how well I look, even those who didn’t realise I was abusing alcohol and best of all my 27-year-old daughter told me that she’s got her Mam back, how amazing is that because I didn’t realise, I’d gone!! Here’s to a long, happy, full alcohol-free life. From the bottom of my heart thank you Jacqueline.
Liz Greenslade, November 2020

I came to see Jacqueline to help me stop gambling. I would definitely recommend.
Mark, March 2022


After initial meeting and chat with Jacqueline regarding a drink problem, I felt at ease immediately and Knew I wanted to go ahead. Jacqueline is very warm, calming and professional lady. I attended four weekly sessions and have not and don’t want to have a drink. I and my family are amazed how confident and happy I am.
Jane, February 2023