So, what is the difference between a fear and a phobia?

Fear is a perfectly normal feeling created by your subconscious mind to alert you to a potentially dangerous situation.  For example, stopping you walking out in traffic or in front of a train.  Fear often provokes that ‘flight or fight’ reaction.    Prehistoric man would have used this emotion to indicate danger from a wild animal for example.

In the more sophisticated western world, some of us have developed irrational fears; for example of failure, rejection, public speaking or the dark etc.  Usually a person can deal with the fear even though they may feel uncomfortable.  In other words, they recognise they have a fear but can override it to a degree.

Phobias on the other hand present with more intense feelings which give rise to physical symptoms such as sweating, heart palpitations, quickening breathing, shortening of breath.  Most people with a phobia are unable to override the feeling to complete the action/event.

An example of this is someone who has a phobia of spiders and simply cannot go into the room where there is a spider.  Or someone who has a phobia of flying and just cannot imagine boarding an aircraft.

Phobia’s usually stem from a particular incident or event whether you can recall this or not.

The good news is that hypnotherapy can help with both fears and phobias.  Fears and phobias are treatable through accessing the subconscious mind and rerouting the neural pathways.

There is no limit to the number of fears and phobias that can be treated with hypnotherapy so please do not be embarrassed.  I will not laugh, judge or tell you, you are silly.   Some clients have sat in the chair and said to me ‘I know it’s stupid but……’.  Nothing is stupid or silly – we are all unique.


      Fantastic from start to finish. Jacqueline is patient and understanding and managed to help me through agoraphobia and a fear of flying. Would highly recommend. George

      I came to see Jacqueline because I urgently needed an operation. Previously, my operation had to be abandoned when I was on the operating table because my heart rate was too fast. This was after the anaesthetic! My anxiety was so bad and I was also scared of heights and lifts. After a couple of sessions with Jacqueline, my operation went successfully with no complications and I was even able to use the lift in the hospital with no fear whatsoever. Thank-you. JR

      GENIUS – Jacqueline is without a doubt a miracle worker!! if you’d have asked me 2 months ago whether I thought hypnosis would work my answer would have been a hard NO. I decided to try hypnosis as a very last attempt to get rid of my fear as nothing else had worked. What did I have to lose? Not only has this amazing woman changed my mind about hypnosis she has successfully started to help me overcome my fear (I have a few sessions left and will leave another review when they are done) so once again, an absolute miracle worker, you will not regret for a second going to see her. Kirsten Wise

      I have had a fear of flying for many years, due to claustrophobia. A family wedding abroad prompted me to try and overcome this. That was when I contacted Jacqueline. Even after my first consultation and session I already felt more confident, she is so understanding and professional and due to this I have since managed my first short flight (after 18years) in preparation for our upcoming celebration. I know that with Jacqueline’s help, I will be attending- Can’t wait! I really can’t thank Jacqueline enough. Would highly recommend. Judith Richardson

      I booked four sessions with JC to try and cure my extreme fear of heights of which I have suffered with for many years.
      I have to admit i was extremely sceptical as to whether hypnosis would work for me but i found JC to be a warm and friendly person who put me at ease immediately.
      She was very professional and took time to explain the processes as we worked through the sessions.
      After the third session I climbed a height at home to carry out some property repairs (which prior to the therapy I could not have attempted) with no fear at all which was astonishing.
      I now look forward now to a future with no height fears.
      I would highly recommend JC to anyone. SS