No one is frightened of flying – period

So, this trip to Egypt was no different – or so we thought!

Not long into the flight, things started to get a bit bumpy, well maybe a bit more than bumpy! Everything started flying (pardon the pun) around the plane, people were knocked off their feet, drinks went everywhere. Both my daughter and I particularly remember one lady sat opposite us who had bought a bottle of champagne. That was a waste – the bottle, glass and drink all parting company, never to be seen again. The plane dropped rapidly and without warning, causing any who were not fastened in to fall into the air. The shaking and the bumps seemed to last a lifetime and my daughter was screaming. The hardest part for me was not being able to console her – trying to reassure her everything was ok but thinking the worst myself. Not being able to protect your children is an awful feeling.

We weren’t told why but we did an emergency landing in Italy. It was a relief that the plane had landed but we knew we would need to take off again. And we did, several hours later.

That single flight changed things for both of us. It took a while before either of us could fly again and my daughter has suffered significantly, refusing to fly longer than a few hours and even then, on at least one domestic flight, panicking and crying. Several years on though, and she has managed to keep flying, going on holiday with her boyfriend and friends; and last week the two of us flew to Turkey for a week in the sunshine without any issues. Last year I flew by myself to Thailand, three flights there and three back again.

I have worked with my daughter using Hypnotherapy, Matrix Re-imprinting and Havening. I have also used these therapies successfully on clients who report they are afraid to fly. What I have discovered though is that from all of the clients I have worked with, never is the fear about flying itself!

Even if you’re frightened of turbulence, take off, landing or even hijacking, none of this is about flying. Yes, most of us get a bit queasy at times (that is easily scientifically explained and another blog post) but we’re not frightened of that. We’re also not frightened of take-off. What’s the worst that can happen? Your ears pop maybe. And turbulence? As long as you’re fastened in your seat, turbulence won’t harm you. It’s only wind.

You see, when you break it down, we’re all frightened of the same thing. We’re all frightened of death. We’re scared something is going to happen and the plane is going to crash. We’re worried the plane is going to fall out of the sky.

It’s interesting what happens then. Once you start to allow the thought of something happening to the plane, you allow the story in your head to develop. You start to make up scenarios in your head, you remember all the films you’ve watched, you remember all the tragedies that ever were and the ones you can’t remember, you make up! You imagine dying and leaving all your loved ones behind, you play out your funeral in your head and you wished you just stayed at home. Before long, you’re feeling anxious, experiencing palpitations, sweaty palms, churning stomach. Get the picture?

The thing is fear is made up. Fear means ‘future events appearing real’. Fear is literally all in your head. If you could get on the plane without thinking, I can guarantee you would not feel afraid at all. Think about it. You weren’t born with a fear of flying, so what have you experienced or what information has been put into your mind? Sometimes fear of flying is actually unrelated to flying. Previous traumas, fears and anxieties can manifest for various reasons and you then associate these with flying.

Therapy can help you to strip back your fears and understand where they come from. It can help you to disassociate from previous trauma, leaving you calm and in control.

Don’t let a ‘fear of flying’ stop you from travelling and seeing the beautiful world out there! ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ‘, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Jacqueline Carson

Clinical Hypnotherapist, DipHyp, GQHP, GHR, DipSW

Jacqueline is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Reiki Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, Accredited Meditation Teacher and is trained in Havening. Jacqueline is also a qualified Social Worker. Jacqueline works with all issues but specifically enjoys working with clients who wish to improve their health and lifestyle, getting rid of anything holding them back, including addictions, fears etc. Jacqueline has now had several flying lessons and refuses to allow any fear to hold her back.