Is stress leading to anxiety and becoming out of control?

Stress and anxiety often but not always, go hand in hand.  A certain amount of stress is good for us; however this can sometimes get out of control if it is not managed and anxiety can develop as a result.

Stress and anxiety can often then lead to other issues such as insomnia and low mood or depression.  A vicious circle can then manifest itself leaving you feeling that there is no way out.  Sometimes anxiety gets so out of control, you begin to experience panic attacks.  Panic attacks can feel like a heart attack and can be very frightening for the individual.

Some symptoms of anxiety are nausea or sickness, shortness of breath, feeling dizzy, headaches, hot and cold sweats, stomach cramps, rushing to the loo, heart palpitations, dry mouth, and insomnia.  Some people can turn to alcohol, drugs, increased smoking, and other addictions to help them cope.

Hypnotherapy offers a pain free and drug free method of unravelling the issues causing the unwanted stress and anxiety.  Once this is discovered, other matters such as drinking to excess, or insomnia can also be addressed.  New coping strategies can then be installed in the subconscious mind, leaving you feeling relaxed and in control of your life.